Thursday, February 17, 2011

Killing My Soul. Whose soul?

I've done everything right my whole life.  I was almost a perfect kid.  I was well-behaved.  I never experimented with drugs.  Nor did I ever come home piss ass drunk in the middle of the night and puke all over the floor. I always did my homework, even if it was just to read, and I never skipped class.  I was taught that if you "did the right thing" and worked hard, the future would eventually reward you.

I vigorously studied journalism in college. I had stints at the newspaper, the online magazine and the TV station. I was even a fill in for a friend's radio show when he needed me. (Another disgruntled writer who helped me come up with the title for this blog, thanks D!) I had internships and freelance work at magazines, trade publications and script writing companies.

I graduated with honors (of course), but little did I know that my ship would slowly begin to sink. Fast forward two-and-a-half years later and a cross-country move, and the job prospects are still minimal at best. And I'm not even talking about sole writing jobs, I'm talking about any kind of related job where I'm able to FULLY support myself. Yes, the economy is in the shitter, but I find myself realizing that a lot of people have lucked out.  People who haven't even worked half as hard as I, people with an IQ of about 7.  People who still don't understand proper grammar. People who still don't know how to use words or punctuation correctly. People who invent their own "special" terms.  They have jobs.  They're getting jobs. Somehow, they are employed. (Maybe even scarier, some are parents.) And it's killing my soul. 

This blog will highlight these common writing and grammar faux pas that kill my soul. (And relax, I'm not talking about the occasional typo or slip up.) This is the Diary Of A Disgruntled Writer.

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