Monday, March 21, 2011

Texting Cougars

Text messaging. We break many grammatical rules with this short message service (SMS). It is a quick and perhaps the easiest way to get in contact with people when you are busy and don't need an urgent response. Many abbreviations are used while texting. Many of which still kill my soul, but at the same time I accept because of the quick nature and purpose of this medium.

Every individual and age group seem to have their own texting style whether it be massive abbreviations (usually seen from pre-teens and teens), dashes substituted for periods, no capitalization, the famous "..." and the list goes on.

This all does make me cringe, but like I said, I have come to accept it. However, there is one text message soul killer that I can not accept, the worst one of all, and that is adults who text like their children.

My mom once received this text message from a middle-aged acquaintance:

"R U coming 2 dinner 2night? I made reservations 4 7. Should be a gr8 time!"

Disgruntled Writer's mother is very intelligent (as someone who birthed me would obviously be) and well-versed with newer technology, but she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this one and as you can imagine, my eyes pretty much popped out of my sockets and went flying to another continent. 

I'm sorry, but this freakin' screams 14 year old in a chat room. It is the digital equivalent of the cougar: the mom who is competing with her daughter. The mom who tries to stuff her post-menopausal body into her pre-menstrual daughter's mini skirt. The "cool" mom. Meaning, the one who all of your kid's friends make fun of because you are so ridiculous.

Is that what ya'll are going for? Because that's how it comes across. And if you are trying to be a text message cougar, then you need to grow up. Act your age. People don't take you seriously as a human being. They roll their eyes at you on many occasions. U R NOT cool (nor are your offspring if he/she/they taught you to text like that and are over the age of 14).

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