Thursday, March 24, 2011

With Love, JM....WHO?

"Thanks so much for your e-mail. I'll get back to you when I know more on this front. - MJ"

Eeee! *teeny scream* Michael Jackson sent me an e-mail from heaven!! Oh, wait...this isn't him? But MJ...oh....Mark...Jones?

This annoys me. Using your first and last initials as a sign off. And I understand that a lot of you do it. I'm just not a fan and I'll tell you why.

Especially in cases like this: MJ. MJ is a nickname that was given to Michael Jackson. His fans still call him MJ to this day. Everyone knows Michael Jackson as MJ. Therefore, when I read "MJ", my mind registers this as Michael Jackson, not Mark Jones from Bumfuck, Alabama. Sorry. Likewise, JK is Jordan Knight, at least for us Blockheads in New Kids land. (Hey JK, how you doonin? ;) ).

This is not just for the unlucky commoners that have the initials MJ, JK, ET (phone home), etc. What bothers me is that when you use your initials to sign off, you give the impression that you are somehow superior. Everyone knows me! "TTYL - AB". No, everyone does not know you. YOU are not a known celebrity or public figure whose initials are used as a nickname. When people think of YOU, your initials do not come to mind. That is not what they call you to your face. Stop pretending you are more important than everyone else. NEWSFLASH - You aren't! Even if your Mommy told you that you are. Even if your head is blown up the size of Texas. Even if your shit really doesn't stink.

If you do this to save time, "Mark" could have been typed using two more keystrokes in approximately one second. If you really need to save that one second in your day, e-mail signatures work fabulously in cases like these. You already have your WHOLE NAME and your title programmed in so that it shows up on all of your e-mails. You don't even have to worry about it! In most instances, your title proves more important than your initials anyway. (And it's common practice, so you don't look like an asshole!) Amazing.

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